Growing Strong in Faith
The Session is a group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, and ordained for their work. It is they who make decisions for the running of the local church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. In some denominations this group is called the church council. The session has responsibility and power to: provide that the Word of God be preached and heard, primarily through worship; authorize the celebration of the sacraments; receive and dismiss members; provide for the education, ordination, mission, and care of members; oversee financial stewardship and church property; and maintain discipline.
The Session is comprised of those ruling elders currently serving, and the pastor and together, they oversee both the day-to-day operations of the local parish as well as the spiritual health of its members
At IPC we have a Session of 9 elders plus the pastor. All committees, task forces and other ad hoc groups report to the Session and we invite your ongoing prayers for us as we discern where God is leading us.