Cameron Community Ministries Mission Team

Cameron Community Ministries Mission Team

Our Ministry with Them

We are committed to supporting the work of Cameron Community Ministries, an Urban Outreach Community Center located in the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood of Rochester, NY.


Cameron offers programs including: 

  • Youth after-school and summer programs, 
  • A Teen Center, 
  • Peace Garden,
  • A free hot meal program that serves lunch daily,
  • An emergency food pantry,
  • A clothing house that services community members in need of clothing and housewares.


Who? What? and Where?

IPC regularly receives information from Cameron about evolving needs for volunteers, material donations, financial donations, changes in program operations, etc.

There are opportunities for our volunteers to engage in ways to support the Cameron community that align with their skill set and desire to serve. We often organize an event for our whole congregation to join in support of Cameron. Many individual volunteer opportunities are also available. Learn about them on the Cameron Community Ministries website:

And Here’s What’s Happening Now


We have rescheduled our speakers from Cameron Community Ministries. Olivia Kassoum-Amadou, Executive Director, and some of the kids from Cameron will be joining us during worship on Sept 11th, at 10:00am. Olivia will share current plans at Cameron to address needs in the Lyell-Otis neighborhood. The kids will talk about their time at Cameron. Following worship, the Cameron Mission Team is hosting an ice cream social

Did you catch the recent news article/audio clip about Cameron’s afterschool program? Click on the link below and read/hear Olivia talk about Cameron’s Afterschool Program and Interviews with kids about the Violence.




Thank you to everyone who brought in so many Back-to-School donations!


And here’s what we collected for our school supplies give-away. CLICK HERE.