
Food Cupboard Needs
Hey everyone! As of April 26th, 2023, the Community Food Cupboard of Rochester is in need of these items: Cleaning Products Personal Hygiene Items Paper Products Spaghetti Sauce Canned Meats & Stew Cereal (hot or cold) Canned Fruit Jams & Jellies Milk (canned or dried) Pasta Potatoes Rice Peanut Butter Snacks for Children Any contributions to them are greatly appreciated! You can bring your items right into the church.

Back-to-School Drive
During the last week of August, some of our mission volunteers delivered donated school supplies to Cameron Community Ministries. Hundreds of dollars of supplies including backpacks, notebooks, pens, glue, crayons and more were collected from parishioners and delivered by Diane H and Norma C. Our thanks to all who contributed to the education of the young people who will receive these gifts.