

If you HOVER over an event, the basics will pop up so you can see it.

It you CLICK on an event, a page will open that gives more information and also a map to get from where you are to where the event is happening.

OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9-Noon; with the Pastor by Appointment.

Please submit your events to the OFFICE (you can use the CONTACT tab) 3 weeks in advance!

August 2026

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Everyday Living Group of AA

M, T, TH, F Zoom, W and Sat – 3rd floor 12:00 PM For more information, use the CONTACT tab

The Wired Word – zoom (small group)

Using current events, Bible study and discussion to deepen our faith. Small group meeting via ZOOM.

Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesdays 7:00 PM – Chapel  For more information, use the CONTACT tab.

Saxophone Quartet

Community sax quartet rehearsing in the IPC sanctuary and joining us occasionally for worship.

The Sea of Galilee (small group)

Small group meets in person on Saturday, 10:30-Noon. Submit any questions to the CONTACT tab.

Sunday Worship

Contemporary, traditional, celebrational worship of the Living & Loving God including prayer, music, scripture, fellowship and reflection. First Sunday of the month includes the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Deacons Meeting

Following worship in Meeting Room #1. Submit any questions to the CONTACT tab.

Culver Ridge AA

Tuesdays 7:00 PM – Chapel For more information, use the CONTACT tab.    

Session Meeting

Highlights of meetings are sent via eNews. Minutes are posted on hallway board. Any questions should be directed to the CONTACT tab.