Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Rooted in Christ / Reaching Out to Serve

The Music Ministry at Irondequoit Presbyterian Church has enjoyed a long and rich history of excellence and diversity, including much variety in styles with vocalists, instrumentalists, and every combination possible.

Currently the Chancel Choir has 12-15 members, singing an anthem, and sometimes an additional time in the weekly service. We sing everything from classical to rock, spiritual to contemporary, simple tunes to more complicated arrangements, with 2-4 parts, depending on the personnel, and always to the Glory of Our Awesome God. We rehearse from 7-8:30 on Thursday evenings, with warm-up and brief rehearsal on Sunday mornings at 9:30. The months of July and August they enjoy a much-deserved hiatus, but will gather for a couple of pick-up choirs during this time. Also some folks will offer Special Music with a solo, duet, or an ensemble. Instrumentalists will also offer their time and talent at various times of the year. We begin rehearsals on the first Thursday after Labor Day and are always looking to add to our numbers and welcome musicians to share their special gifts.

A 3-octave Chime Choir has been in existence since the 90’s. They have not played in a couple of years due to the Covid Pandemic, but there are plans to resurrect it this year. To utilize the 3 octaves, 11 players are needed, or for 2 octaves – 8 people. There is also music for solo players, which has been done on occasion. That is really quite fascinating to watch just one person play several bells! I have always advocated that reading music is not necessary to be part of the Chime Choir. However, being able to count, knowing the colors red and green, and your right hand from your left from your left is helpful.

IPC is again blessed to have many people who play an instrument and have volunteered to share their time and talents, such as piano, flute, saxophone, baritone horn, trombone, trumpet, etc., also doing solo and/or ensemble work. Currently, a saxophone quartet uses our facility to rehearse weekly and shares their offerings of music during services from time to time. 

Through the years, IPC has invited two of our town’s musical groups, the Irondequoit Orchestra and Concert Band to play concerts (at no charge, but donations are always welcome.) Incidentally, the Orchestra rehearses at Dake Middle School, in the West Irondequoit School District, on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:00 and the Band rehearses at the same location on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:30. They, too, are always looking for new members.

There is much going on musically at IPC and our hope is to enrich the ministry even more. New ideas are always welcome, just as new people to become involved are always encouraged to join a group. What better way to share your faith, talent, and love of God and God’s people than to make beautiful music!