Our Ministry & Mission are possible only through the countless hours and tireless efforts of our volunteer leaders and our professional staff.

Kathy Thomas
Choir Director / Organist Kathy has been Choir Director/Organist at IPC since 1984. She is a classically-trained musician, having begun piano lessons at a very young age, and continued all through high school, adding organ lessons during summers. Accompanying choruses and soloists, both vocal and instrumental throughout my teenage and college years, gave her a solid background for the church work she has done. “I have developed patience, a good sense of humor, learned to be open to suggestions, tolerant…

Kevin Fuller
Office Administrator Kevin Fuller came on board in the fall of 2022 and brings with him a wealth of experience in marketing, IT development and management as well as systems coordination. He brings twenty years’ experience of working with faith communities and as a member of the Firebird Spirit, Inc. professional team, he resources churches in transition around the country. Through a covenant with South Presbyterian Church, Kevin staffs our office Monday-Thursday mornings and the South Presbyterian office on the…

Timo Huttunen
Sexton – Custodian Employed as church sexton since 2004, Timo resides in Webster, NY with wife, Robin and their three sons, Isak, Ezekiel, and Jermaine.

Pastor Deb
The Reverend Deborah Fae Swift came to IPC in 2022, after 30 years as a Presbyterian minister and following successful careers in music education and community organizing. She lives in the city as a wife, mom, gardener, and warrior for justice and joy and also serves as pastor of South Presbyterian Church, a 100% Missional Church that partners with IPC in its ministries. She is the author of The Church Has Left the Building – A Case Study of One…